20 reasons to book regular facials in 2020

beautiful skin

20 It’s the start of not only a new year, but also a new decade. Chances are you’ve spent time reflecting on your goals and what you’d like to achieve in future. But new year’s resolutions don’t all have to be strict and serious – make sure you have some key pleasures right up there on your To Do list!

Here are 20 reasons why it makes total sense to commit to a routine facial appointment with us – not just as a special treat, but as a regular occurrence.

  1.  It’s the ultimate fresh start. Wherever you visit us at Forme Spa, you’ll leave feeling brighter and fresher with a definite spring in your step. And when you book in a series of regular facials from the very start of the year, it can’t help but kick off a positive, new-year-new-you vibe for 2020.
  2. Has it been ages since you’ve had a facial? With all the advances in aesthetic technology, facials aren’t just about making you feel great (although they certainly do that too), they offer real results. With a range of top-of-the-line devices, your skin can get the ultimate upgrade thanks to microdermabrasion, sonophoresis, ionitophoresis, LED light therapy and oxygen infusion.
  3. If you’re into skincare, you’ve probably heard about the recent trend towards double cleansing – using both an oil-based and a water-based cleanser to deeply purify your skin. But an in-salon facial takes this concept to the next level, removing all traces of dirt, debris and sunscreen from your pores. It’s the ultimate way to press the reset button on your skin.
  4. With great skin, you can glow with or without makeup. A smooth, healthy complexion provides a fantastic canvas for your makeup, which will glide on smoothly and stay looking even and radiant. It may mean you need less foundation, or it could give you the confidence to try new colours and looks.
  5. As they say on the airplane, always put on your own oxygen mask before you look after others. By making your own self care a priority in 2020, you’ll avoid burnout and be in a better position to give the most to your kids, your partner, your friends and even your job.
  6. You know the importance of eating vitamin-rich fruits and veggies and you may even take a vitamin supplement. An extra boost of vitamins does wonders for your skin too. Try our Infuse Me With Vitamins facial and you won’t look back.
  7. Looking ahead to some special events in 2020, like a wedding or special reunion? Now’s the time to take a leaf out of the celebrities’ playbook and book an oxygen facial for the ultimate red carpet glow. Pop it on your calendar for the morning of the event, and you’ll be the envy of the guest list.
  8. We all have daily stressors that add angst to our lives, but being mindful, sleeping well and focusing on relaxation can really help. Slow down and take time out for a soothing facial, complete with plenty of massage and aromatic oils, and you’re much more likely to sleep well and feel grounded, especially when you make it a regular part of your routine.
  9. One facial alone can’t turn back the clock, but a commitment to looking after your skin can. Our modern life is rife with pollution, exhaust fumes, industrial smoke, ozone, extreme weather, free radicals and more. Daily exposure to this can prematurely age your skin, so a regular facial to purify and detoxify your pores is a smart anti-ageing investment.
  10. Booking something at the last minute is always a bit stressful, whereas having something to look forward to on the calendar is actually a wellbeing boost – even before the actual event. It’s all about savouring life’s pleasures, enjoying the anticipation and making the most of every moment.
  11. Looking to streamline your life? You’ve probably heard of “batching” your tasks at work to increase efficiency, so why not apply that to your facials? Book a year’s worth in one go – choose a regular day and time – and your diary is optimised with the least amount of effort. Now you can just sit back and look forward to them.
  12. Thinking about getting a little work done this year? Shhh, we won’t tell anyone! But whether it’s a spot of filler or Botox or a full facelift, there’s no point paying for these more invasive treatments if you don’t also invest in your skin quality (through regular facials). It’s the foundation on which everything else is built.
  13. When you’re onto a good thing, you get popular. At Forme Spa, the best way to get the timeslot you want and the therapist you love is to book in advance. Of course we try to accommodate last-minute requests, but you have much more choice when you plan ahead.
  14.  It’s better for your budget. Yes, really! Thanks to Forme’s Belong Spa Membership programme, booking monthly facials will save you $36 a pop! (Facials are $99 when booked under this special membership, and $135 without it.)
  15. Educate yourself with an expert. With an ongoing treatment plan, you can talk to our staff about your skin goals and take concrete steps to achieve them. Take advantage of our highly trained facialists and ask questions – it’s the best way to learn and take control of your skin’s wellbeing.
  16. Exfoliation is key for healthy, glowing radiant skin. But some at-home products can contain harsh beads that actually cause micro-tears in the skin. To get all the benefits of a thorough exfoliation with none of the risks, turn to our excellent array of options – from microdermabrasion to powerful non-surgical chemical peels.
  17. It doesn’t have to be a massive time commitment. We get it, we’re all busy. But thanks to our super efficient Express Facials, you only need 30 minutes to see a real difference in your skin.
  18. You know the feeling when you walk into your local cafe where everybody knows you? At Forme Spa we pride ourselves on our friendly staff, and we love our regulars because we really get to know them and form a great relationship. Once you’re one of our Forme Spa family, your visits for facials will be even more fun and enjoyable.
  19. Speaking of friends, is it one of your resolutions to make more time for them? Why not book in some regular catch-ups, with the added bonus of beautifying at the same time. Check out our Social Spa-ing packages, grab your girlfriends and get it on the calendar.
  20. When it comes to skin, consistency is key. It’s a pleasure to have the odd facial, and certainly one is better than none at all, but to really see results and to get a year-round glow, the ultimate fix is to have facials tailored to your skin concerns at regular intervals.

We’re the skincare experts at Forme Spa, and would love to join you on your journey

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